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Today's  Topic 

History of witchcraft


History of witches and witchcraft

We've all heard of fairy tales involving witches.. usually they're ugly, green, have long noses and a wart on that said nose.. they're typically evil, that go after children and hex people..


Media nowadays, portray witchcraft That's either good or evil.. which to me is great progress, people like to color code things and label things.. white magic would be viewed as good or positive, and black magic would be considered as bad or negative.. to me this terminology is very racist, so I'm going to use positive/good magic and negative/bad magic from now on.

What shows / movies can you think of that have good witches?


What shows / movies can you think of that have bad witches?


We do not know historically when the first witches started practicing.. some were healers, midwives that using plants and energy healing to assist clients. Some cast spells for weather, or Good crops Etc. Some witches were necromancers or psychic.. talking to the dead, and trying to raise the dead.. The first known documentation of witches is in the Bible written between 931 BC and 721 BC. The story goes King Saul found a witch from endor that would summon the dead profit Samuel spirit to help him defeat the philistine army. The witch talked to Samuel and prophesize the death of Saul and his sons … the next day according to the Bible Saul's sons died in battle and Saul committed suicide. 

There are quite a few verses in the Bible that condemn witches. One of them is Exodus 22:18 States" thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" and the Bible also has quite a few passages cautioning against divination chanting and using witches to contact the dead.


In the earlier times; in Europe, there was a push for Christianity, and they made the pagans out to be evil and savages. From this you get the witch hunts. The witch hunts started in the 1300’s regrettably still happen today in other countries. The most notable witch Hunts came from the Spanish Inquisition. A Catholic German named Heinrich Kramer created the book Malleus Maleficarum aka in English it translates to Hammer of the witches in the 1468. By then they have documented what a witch entails, and how to deal with them. They used torture methods in order to get confessions from these said witches. They also did tests like tying them to chairs and throwing them in water, if they floated they were witches. If they drowned they were not witches. So either way these people accused passed away.I won't get into deeper details of this because it might trigger someone and I don't want to cause issues. I have a great book recommendation though. Witches the history of a prosecution by Nigel Cawthorne very detailed descriptive book. On a more positive note, King Kàlmàn was the first King to ban witch hunts. Because he believed that they did not exist. 


It was outlawed to practice witchcraft for a very long time though. In 1939, Gerald Gardner was initiated into The new Forest coven. Gerald Gardner wrote many books on the subject of witchcraft, sometimes using coded messages on his first few books. Some people have debunked the fact that he uses material from the Freemasonry, ceremonial witchcraft. Gerald Gardner was considered the father of witchcraft. This is because he made it possible for other paths to come forth. After this, witchcraft was decriminalised in 1951 in Europe. I have a recommendation for a book, if you want to dig more into Wicca and the life of Gerald Gardner. witchfather life of Gerald Gardner. Volume 1 into the witch cult by Philip Heselton.


Modern day paganism or neo paganism has flourishedsince then. There are so many types of witchcraft and paganism out there. My favorite book to recommend to people whom are trying to figure out which path to follow would be drawing down the Moon by Margot Adler.


Any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me